Our Partners

 Lava Mae

Our first partnership is with a company in San Francisco called Lava Mae. Started by private citizens, a project of The Tides Canter, this is Lava Mae’s charge: provide sanitation, assist in deterring potential public health problems, and perhaps most critically, provide a much needed service to help a population struggling to retain a sense of dignity and self-worth. In essence, Lava Mae seeks to solve a small piece of what the United Nations and World Health Organization define as, and Lava Mae believes is, a basic human right: access to water and sanitation.

Lava Mae has converted city buses into mobile hygiene units, deployed throughout the streets of San Francisco. Everyone who uses their showers will get a travel sized bar of Maxwell’s Soap’s when they leave so they can stay clean a little while longer.


*If you’re interested in a partnership with Maxwell’s Soaps or you know someone who might benefit from a donation in kind of travel sized soaps, please contact us at info@maxwellssoaps.com.

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