In the News
That time Craig Metzler at called me an "American Jedi" October 15 2016, 0 Comments
LATE POST: I have been slow to update all the press that the company has received. Press leads to orders and orders lead to more work... finally catching up!
Last year Craig Metzger and the high-speed/low-drag folks over at ran an article profiling Maxwell's Soaps. Complete with a reference to me as: "American Jedi, Maxwell Moore". Enjoy the read!
How Soap Saved My Life: OZY.COM article September 30 2016, 0 Comments
6 months back, online news channel OZY.COM published a self-submitted true story about my life and how 2 of my passions(fighting and soap) became my salvation. Enjoy!
reported to OZY.COM by reporter, singer and tough-guy Eugene Robinson
FOX NEWS: Navy Combat Veteran Builds Business To Help Those In Need September 12 2016, 0 Comments
Claudia Cowan and Fox News did a story on Maxwell's Soaps and our "Don't Be Nasty" Mission to bring hope and hygiene to the homeless. Enjoy!
BBC News profile of Maxwell's Soaps - Video June 17 2014, 0 Comments
Maxwell Moore has worked as a combat medic with the US military in places ranging from East Timor and North Africa to Iraq and, most recently, Afghanistan.